What could be better than starting your holidays with a trip?
Travelling to a new place is always a unique opportunity for every child not only to improve their knowledge of the traditions of the regions of Russia, to get acquainted with their culture but also to have fun holidays that can become one of the most vivid memories of a lifetime.
We have been blessed with an exciting opportunity for Years 9, 10, 11, and 12 to attend a residential cultural trip to Baikal and the chance to immerse themselves into the culture of Irkutsk and Buryatia.
The proposed trip will be from 24th June to 3rd July flying with Aeroflot to and from Irkutsk – 10 days and 9 nights.
During these 10 days, you will be able to enjoy the unique pristine nature of Lake Baikal and the Baikal region, as well as relax and spend holidays in the fresh air.
Deposits have already been coming in and we are limited on spaces, please return the reply slips to Mr. Bigland.