Talent Show.

The talent show final was a very special event. The whole school watched it in the morning and parents of competitors watched the final competition in the afternoon. I am proud of all those who took part—they showed great maturity with results and were extremely supportive of each other. Well done school 9!
The winners of the talent show were:
Best Pianist - Nikita Manyrin
Best Instrumentalist - Bora Biterge
Best Drama - Taisia Vtulkina
Best Singer - Miron Loktyukhov
Best Dance - Namya Sood
Most Entertaining Act - Rustam Dzhabrailov
Best Overall Act - Maria Zakharova
Again, well done to all those who took part, whether that was during the auditions or in the final.
Cambridge Exams.
Please remember that the Starters / Movers / Flyers exams will be on the 21st April at school 9 – if your child has entered one of these exams it is imperative they arrive on time. The KET exams will be on the 21st May at School 9.
Summer Term Assessment Week.
I want to give parents as much notice as possible regarding the Summer Term Assessment week. The final tests for pupils will take place during the week beginning 16th May.
Baker Books Update.
School 9 has received some of the books from Baker Books. We are now waiting to receive the remainder of the order – which should be arriving during the spring holiday. When the remaining books have arrived we shall send them out immediately.
Important Dates Event Audience
1st April End of Term Everyone
11th April First day of term Everyone
21st April Starters / Movers / Flyers Children taking exams
2nd & 3rd May Government Holiday School Closed
9th May Government Holiday School Closed
13th May Y3 Sharing Assembly Y3 parents
16th May Summer Term Assessments Children
27th May Y5 Sharing Assembly Y5 parents
Kind regards,
Mr Kelly