Government Holidays. Summer Term Assessment Week. Year Group Assemblies. Summer Concert. School Photographe.
Government Holidays
Please be aware that the school will be closed on Monday 2nd May, Tuesday 3rd May and Monday 9th May due to Government holidays.
Summer Term Assessment Week
Summer term assessment week will take place during the week beginning 16th May. Please try and ensure children are here and arrive on time. Many thanks.
Year Group Assemblies
We have 3 year group assemblies left for this academic year: Year 3 – 13th May; Year 5 – 27th May; Year 1 – 1st June. All year group assemblies will start at 14:40 and all parents from each year group performing are more than welcome to attend.
Summer Concert
Children have recently auditioned for parts in end of year production – ‘Robin Hood’. Mr Russell will let you know if your child has been chosen for a lead role. The date of the concert will be Thursday 23rd June. We very much look forward to another wonderful whole-school performance.
School Photographer
The school photographer will be taking pictures of individuals and classes on the 24th and 25th May. We will also organize for siblings to have their photograph taken together.
Important Dates Event Audience
2nd May & 3rd May Government Holiday School Closed
9th May Government Holiday School Closed
24th & 25th May School Photographer -
16th May Summer Term Assessments Children
10th June Summer Fair Everyone
13th June Government Holiday School Closed
23rd June Summer Concert Whole School
24th June End of Year Reports Parents
Kind regards,
Mr Kelly