Government Holidays.
Please be aware that the school will be closed on Monday 13th June for a government holiday.
Year Group Assemblies.
We have 2 year group assemblies left for this academic year: Year 5 – 27th May; Year 1 – 3rd June. All year group assemblies will start at 14:40 and all parents from each year group performing are more than welcome to attend.
Summer Concert.
Children in KS2 are currently rehearsing for their summer concert – Robin Hood. I am sure this will be another fantastic production! The show will be performed twice on Thursday 23rd June – at 11:00 for Y3 / 4 parents and at 14:00 for Y5 / 6 parents. I hope to see you there!
Sports Day.
This year our school sports day will be on Monday 20th June. Mr. Unsworth-Smith has organized an afternoon full of sporting activities for all year groups. Please ensure your child brings their sports kit with them on this day. The sports day will only be open to pupils, as previous years, but we will be taking photos.
Summer Fair.
I am pleased to announce that schools 5 and 9 shall jointly host a summer fair on 10th June 2016 from 13:00 until 15:00. Parents are welcome to attend the fair with their children. During the event vouchers will be used to buy raffle tickets and play games. The cost of vouchers will be 25 rubles. These will be on sale from 25th May (at the office). They will be sold in strips of 4 for 100 rubles.
School Photographer.
The school photographer will be taking pictures of individuals and classes on the 24th and 25th May. We will also organize for siblings to have their photograph taken together.
Important Dates Event Audience
10th June Summer Fair Everyone
13th June Government Holiday School Closed
23rd June Summer Concert Whole School
11:00 Y3&4 / 14:00 Y5&6
24th June End of Year Reports Parents
29th June Prize Giving Assembly Whole School