Government Holidays. Summer Concert. End of Year Reports. Cambridge Exam Certificates Update. Art / DT Week.
Dear parents, Government Holidays.
Please be aware that the school will be closed on Monday 13th June for a government holiday.
Summer Concert.
On the 23rd June, School 9 will be performing its summer concert – Robin Hood! The show will be performed twice at 11:00 for Y3 / 4 parents and at 14:00 for Y5 / 6 parents. I hope to see you there!

End of Year Reports.
All end of year reports will be going home to parents on Friday 24th June.
Cambridge Exam Certificates Update.
We have received the certificates back from Cambridge for Starters, Movers and Flyers. I am very pleased to inform you that the average score achieved was 13 out of a possible 15 marks for pupils at school 9. Well done!
Art / DT Week.
From the 20th June until the 1st July, there will be a focus on Art and Design Technology. This year there are three strands to Art/DT fortnight:
1. For students to design and build a stand to display their artwork.
2. For students to create artwork representing the Best of Britain.
3. For students to learn about a British Artist and create artwork based on their style/technique. I’m sure there will be lots of exciting learning during this time. Important
Dates Event Audience
13th June Government Holiday School Closed
23rd June Summer Concert Whole School
11:00 Y3&4 / 14:00 Y5&6 Everyone
24th June End of Year Reports Parents
Headteacher, Mr Kelly.