“Out of this World!” - Year 2, Space Museum Trip. Clubs and Activities – “In Focus” Ballet. Pink & Red Day. Reminders, events & dates. Celebrating Success – This week’s Winners and Earners
1. “Out of this World!” - Year 2, Space Museum Trip.
2. Clubs and Activities – “In Focus” Ballet.
3. Pink & Red Day.
4. Reminders, events & dates.
5. Celebrating Success – This week’s Winners and Earners
1. “Out of this World!” On Tuesday Year 2 went on a trip to the Space Museum at VDNK. This was used to study aspects of history and help with the topic of Famous People, during which the children have learnt about Uri Gagarin amongst others. They also looked at vehicles and other forms of transport which was linked to their design project work where they made model vehicles from recycled rubbish. It really is a fascinating trip and a great day out for the family with lots of interesting things to see and do in the museum. Some of the display artefacts really have been out of this world and into the cosmos and have orbited the planet. Imagine how incredible that is!
2. “In Focus” – Ballet
This week we are looking at Ballet club, sharing a few photos and comments.
Our Ballet teacher is Miss. Anastasia. She is a professional choreographer, master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics and a graduate of Moscow State Pedagogical University.
Miss. Anastasia has worked with us over a number of years and some of the children who have worked with her have gone on to perform on the stage in the Small Hall at School 1.
“I’d like to think that one day I could make it all the way to the BIG Hall in School 7,” said an extremely excited 6 year old Anastasia Valachkova.
Posture & Poise.
Getting your feet right is very important, but incredibly difficult … almost there. But Like everything in life Practice makes Perfect.
3. Pink & Red Day
Reception performed a Valentine’s HEART song to the tune of B, I, N, G, O! Year 2 showed their Heart cards.
And everyone danced in Red & Pink.
4. Reminders, events & dates
End of half term – Friday 19th February
Return – Monday 29th February
Book Week – 29th February – 4th March
Dressing Up Assembly – Friday 4th March
Maslenitsa (Pancake decoration plus) – Friday 11th March
Parent Teacher Meetings – the week of 28th March
5. Celebrating Success.
Star Pupils:
Yr.1 - Mark V. Rec – Barbora, Yr .2 - Adina
Bronze Certificates:
Katerina, Eduard, Mark V.
Class Attendance Cup Winners – Year 2, 88%,
Attendance Book Winner – Mark V.