BISM School Ties. Christmas Singing Competition. Merits and Awards. Attendance Awards. CAS Students: Helping Others and the Environment. Welcome to Ms Bliznetsova!...
Important Dates
18 Jan– 27 Jan Mock exams year 11 and 13
2Feb Parents evening years 7-10
9th Feb Parents evening years 11-13
10th Feb Year 10 Russian Trip (first language)
19th Feb Half term starts 29th Feb.
Return to school Don’t forget….. Year 11 and 13 have their mock exams from January 18th -27th. Good Luck!!
Happy New Year and Welcome Back!
Welcome back to a snowy BISM3! I hope you had a restful holiday. As you will see from our list of dates we look forward to welcoming parents to parents evening later in the term. All teaching staff will be available to discuss your child’s progress to date. Curriculum plans for the next term have been sent to you by key stage coordinators. If you have not received a copy please contact the school office (see photo1).
BISM School Ties
I am glad to announce that the BISM school ties have now arrived at school. They are available at a cost of 500 rubles from my office during tutor time in the mornings. The school tie is already worn at the secondary school campus in the north and school 3 is now able to come in line with the other school (see photo2). It is expected that all students (girls and boys) in years 7-10 purchase a school tie which they should wear with a collared shirt, as per our dress code. Ties should be purchased before the end of half term. The tie is optional for years 11-13.
Christmas Singing Competition
The last day of the winter term saw our Christmas Singing Competition. Each tutor group had chosen a Christmas song which they had practiced in tutor time until they were perfect! In the afternoon we were treated to some brilliant performances which were judged by three of our Russian teachers. The joint winners were year 12 who sang ‘All I Want for Christmas is You’ and Mr Jansanky’s German classes who sang a German Christmas song ‘In der Weihnachtsbäckerei’. The afternoon was completed by the teachers’ contribution “Frosty the Snowman” Thank you to everybody who took part and to Mr Lynch who organised the afternoon and Mr Russell for his help with the music (see photo3).
Merits and Awards
At our recent key stage 3 assembly Ms Platt and Mr Mace were able to give out a large number of certificates to students attaining 50 or 100 merits. Merits are given for good work, doing homework and attitude and are collected in the student diary. Each students receiving a certificate also took part in a ‘lucky dip’ where prizes were given in reward for their efforts (see photo4).
Attendance Awards
Each month an award is given for the tutor group with the best attendance. In December this was won jointly by 8B and 12 A who both achieved 99% attendance! 8B have won the award for two months during the autumn term and so, as a reward will have a uniform free day this term. Well Done 8B!
CAS Students: Helping Others and the Environment
The year 12 CAS students have been expanding their range of activities last week. Some of the students will be learning about mediation and negotiation in order to help younger year groups. A peer mediator can show students how to communicate their problems and concerns. They can help students who have disagreements find a way to work together. This is a challenge for the year 12 students who are interested in practising diplomacy skills.
Another group of year 12 CAS students will be setting up an ‘Exam Buddy’ scheme. They plan to offer helpful advice and tips to the year 11 students who are approaching their final IGCSE exams. This service can also cover revision sessions and they will be holding a ‘How to Revise’ workshop. Watch this space for the next CAS activities which will be based upon Fit & Healthy and Environmental Awareness (see photo 5).
Welcome to Ms Bliznetsova!
We were sorry to say goodbye to our French teacher Mrs Zhurbenko at the end of last term but are pleased to welcome Ms Bliznetsova who has joined us this term (see photo 6).
Snow Sculptures
As part of our end of term celebrations Mr Phillips organised some snow based activities. These included a snow sculpture competition which was won by jointly by year 10 (R2-D2) and the skeleton by Yacob and Hava (see photo 7, photo 8).