Maslenitsa. Science Day. Important Dates. Cambridge Exams.
These first few weeks back have been very busy. There has been fantastic learning going on throughout the school!
Clubs also successfully started on the 11th January (with a further 2 Russian language clubs starting soon).
Mr Kelly
On the 11th March (this is a change of date from the previous newsletter), children at School 9 will take part in Maslenitsa celebrations. The PTA will be on hand to help with this event. Children will be eating pancakes with a variety of toppings. Any shop-bought pancakes and topping brought in by children will be shared- so that everyone can try and enjoy a variety of flavours and combinations.
Thank you.
Science Day will soon be here! This will be an exciting day for the pupils at School 2—where they will take part in scientific investigations in the morning and then the science fair in the afternoon.
The science fair in the afternoon is a chance for pupils to display their project that they would have undertook at home. It could be a poster or display, an experiment or demonstration. If you look at the following links, these will give you some ideas (no fire or animals though!).
Please also note that the afternoon is for children only. It will be for them to present their science projects to the rest of the school.
Many thanks!
7th & 8th March—School Closed...
Please be aware that the school will be closed on the 7th and 8th March due to government holidays—Happy Women’s Day!
Dear Parents...
Event Date Audience
Science Day 17th February Children
School Closes 19th February Everybody
School Opens 29th February Everybody
School Closed 7th & 8th March Everybody
PTA 10th March Parents
Maslenitsa 11th March Children
Year 5 Assembly 11th March Y5 Parents
Cambridge Exams…
Children in Years 3-6 have taken a pre-test for one of the Cambridge University English exams.
This is to determine which exam would best suit your child should you wish them to enter it.
On offer are the Cambridge ‘Starter’, ‘Mover’, and ‘Flyer’ tests as well as the more demanding ‘KET’ test for those in Years 5 or 6.
You will be able to purchase the required materials from the Cambridge University Press ‘Book Fair’ which will be hosted at the school—this will be during week beginning 29th February—the day will be confirmed soon.
Soon, you will be receiving a letter asking if you would like your child entered into one of the tests—please return this asap.
Headteacher: Mr Dan Kelly