The British International School is regularly inspected by Cambridge Education Ltd, its UK education partner, which is accredited by the UK government to formally inspect schools in the UK and British schools overseas.
The British International School is regularly inspected by Cambridge Education Ltd, its UK education partner, which is accredited by the UK government to formally inspect schools in the UK and British schools overseas.
Since last academic year the school has been involved in a two year inspection by Cambridge Education Ltd. The aim of this long-term inspection is to check the quality of education so that it is similar to that of a UK independent school.
In November 2016, the inspection was completed for the primary section of the school and we would like to share with you some of the comments given to the school by the inspectors of Cambridge Education Ltd. In the report it states:
· The provision of education on the sites of British International School Primary is outstanding.
· All staff are committed to every pupils’ success in learning.
· Lesson plans and schemes of work clearly indicate the steps taken to challenge and support pupils’ learning.
· The provision for EAL students is included as part of the whole curriculum.
· High quality learning incorporates well-structured activities that keep pupils focused and working hard.
· Many pupils arrive with no or very limited English and the school’s aim is to equip them with the skills to enter the next stage at age related expectations which many exceed.
· The provision for pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural is outstanding.
· Sharing assemblies, talent shows and concerts all contribute to the development of pupils working together and building their confidence.
· The school sites offer a bright and welcome climate which fully supports pupils learning.
· Equipment to support learning is plentiful and fully employed.
· The information provided to parents and the dialogue with parents is outstanding.
· The reports and regular newsletters that go home to parents combine pupil specific data and information but also news of curriculum development and other events. The reports are detailed with clear, well-focused goals in individual subjects and provide guidance to parents about how and what their child is learning and progress.
· All policies are child focused throughout. Lesson plans, reports and schemes of work are monitored regularly and systematically.